conditions of application
- By submitting an application, the participant accepts the regulations, the general policies, the terms of use, and the privacy policy of the competition.
- Applications of minor musicians must be filled and submitted by their parents or legal guardian (tutor).
- Once an online application is sent, it may be resubmitted to change its content. Only the last version submitted will be considered by the jury.
- Once the application fee is submitted, it cannot be reimbursed.
- Winners of past edition of the First Great Awards who performed at the winners' concert or received the recording prize (CD) can't participate at the current edition.
- The international jury's decisions are final and not to be discussed. The jury's votes and opinions are strictly confidential, and the jury members will not be able to provide feedback about the applicant's performance on the video recordings.
- The First Great Award (recital at Musikverein) could we awarded or not in any of the age categories and disciplines. At least 10 musicians will perform at Musikverein.
- Applicants who fail to submit the online application and the application fee prior to the deadline will be disqualified.